First thing that users see in any course is an information page, so you should pay special attention to it. Information about an open course is visible even to unregistered users.
Editing of an informational page is available in the side menu (Edit information button).
Information page contains:
Course Logo
Besides the informational page, a course logo is displayed in the Cogniterra course catalog, next to the course name. A logo is mandatory for courses with at least 20 learners. Please follow these rules while choosing or creating a logo:
- Image size is 230*230 px;
- The logo should not have white space at the edges;
- Do not use a lot of letters and small characters in the logo;
- Do not use an image that looks like logos of other courses;
- Patterns and frames are not recommended.
A short overview of the course: why this course, what topic it addresses and what it gives to the learners. This field is required when creating a course, you can edit it at any time.
About the course
Do not miss this field, because it contains a basic description for learners. Here you can write more details about the course, describe its topics, future assignments, specify knowledge and skills the learners are about to receive.
Information about instructors and authors
Add authors' and instructors' ID (their bio will be added automatically to the course information page from their profiles).
Introduction video
This video is available to see for any user before enrolling. Pay the most attention to it, as it may be crucial for promotion of the course. In the video, introduce yourself and answer questions, such as why it is necessary to take your course and what are the skills learners will receive after that. Do not just list the course topics. Maximum size of the video is 500 MB.
Course dates
The dates will be automatically displayed at the course page only if you fill them out in the Syllabus. Please note that opening dates are set separately from module dates and deadlines. More about dates and deadlines in the article.
Workload and expected time to complete
Expected time to complete is set automatically based on the average time that learners spend on the course. You should fill in the Workload field manually (hours per week).
Certificate information
For questions about issuing certificates, write to
Target audience and requirements
Define the audience that will find your course useful, as well as the requirements for it. Do not narrow the audience too strictly, however, try to single out certain categories of potential learners. Requirements should contain the necessary and helpful existing knowledge. Please pay attention to that in order to help you future learners to evaluate their level beforehand.