On Cogniterra you can find different assignments:
- Code — you will have to write a code, which will be run on multiple tests (stdin → stdout);
- Data — you will have to process a randomized dataset within the time limit;
- Fill in the blanks – you will have to fill blanks in the text;
- Free Response – you will have to write an essay;
- Linux — you will have to properly configure a remote server;
- Matching — you will have to match two lists;
- Math — you will have to enter a math formula;
- Multiple Choice – you will have to select the best possible answer (or answers) out of the choices from a list;
- Number — you will have to enter a numerical answer;
- Sorting — you will have to sort a given list;
- SQL — you will have to grade SQL queries;
- String — you will have to write an answer in the form of string (text);
- Text — you will have to enter a short text, which should match the correct answer;
- Table — you will have to select the best possible answer (or answers) out of the choices from a table;
- Jigsaw Puzzle – you will have to place the pieces into a complete picture;
- JetBrains IDE Challenge — you will have to write a code in the educational editions of JetBrains IDEs (IDEA Edu and PyCharm Edu). You can create these assignments using IntelliJ IDEA + EduTools plugin.
Free response and code quizzes can also have Peer Review when you will have to write an answer to an open question, which will be graded by the peers.