To start tracking, attach a UTM tag to your link. Such a label will help to separate people who came, for example, from your social network and those who came from your site. To generate UTM tags, you can use any generation service, for example, The tags will be displayed in the "Clicks on links to the course" report.
Articles in this section
- How to track where the students who signed up for my course came from?
- Who can create lessons and courses at Cogniterra?
- I cannot find my course in search and the catalog
- How do I enable certificates for my course?
- Is cooperation with Cogniterra free?
- Who holds a copyright for courses at Cogniterra?
- How do I get my learner’s email?
- How to create a company profile?
- How do I clone (copy) a course?
- Can I restrict access to following progress for learners if they failed to finish an assignment or a lesson?